Friday, May 18, 2012


J'ai fatigué... Lord give us the strength and endurance to finish today!!

CTS: Brussels!

Really enjoying my conversations with Finnish, Belgian, French, Dutch, German, Brazilian, and Portuguese students here at Continental Theological Seminary. Dr. Ralph brought the history of Europe and Christianity, and also gave us BRILLIANT evangelical advice. Really excited to build a relationship with someone in Germany!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bye Bye ATL

Well, here we are on our AirFrance 777 about to depart. I must say props to the Lord for making our goings smooth thus far! May he guide us through the night by his heavenly host. And may out hearts be content in his infinite love, that we may also be lovely-
B. Hayden Cogswell

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm back!

Just got back yesterday straight from Paris. I need to write out my thoughts before all the Europe leaves my system.

Germany had an exciting culture to get immersed in. The language was fun (and btw, very pleasant to listen to contrary to its depiction in the movies). Berlin, in particular, had a diverse population and many of the people spoke a million different languages it seemed. Germany and France and Belgium, they all showed me a new world. These European countries made a unique impact on me. Germany, I was touched to hear the hardships your country has endured... and your sarcastic humor. France, I loved your language... and hearing "oh la la" being used within its context. Belgium, I loved the diversity which originates at its formation... and your waffles.

But I pray that the spread of this attitude of indifference ceases, especially when it comes to such life-changing topics. I pray that the indifference would be replaced with our natural curiosity about our origin, existence, and destiny. I pray that everyone that crossed paths with our team would see God in all of it. I hope that the Holy Spirit continues to work through the ministry, Studenten fur Christus, in Berlin. It was so encouraging to see the core of believers within that ministry.

My compassion has only been strengthened and not only for the people in Europe. We are heading towards this attitude of indifference here in America. I pray that the Lord continues to use me to do His will right where I am.

Thank you team for your sacrifice of time and energy and your support. You have been amazing. I pray that God continues to grow you and stretch you. Thank you leaders (Stacy, Rich, Brad, and Dale) for your guidance and peace even in times of danger and the resorting to Plans B, C, G, and M. Peace out, folks!


Friday, May 27, 2011

I asked God..

      Yesterday I was walking around praying at one of the university campuses. I stopped sat on a wall and watched everyone walking to their classes, talking and laughing. Not many people seemed unhappy with the way their lives are. It made me ask God "how is it possible to ask these people to change their whole out look on life if they seem so content with it?" As started walking again I realized God doesn't want us to change our out look on life, He just wants to be apart of it. Any change comes because it will better the ever growing relationship you start to desire with God.
       We had the opportunity to go on the roof of the parliament building here. It was an amazing thing to see you could see most of the city from there. We saw pictures of what the building looked like before during and  after the cold war. We saw pictures of what a lot of the city looked like before WWII and after the war most of the city was level. To see what Berlin looked like and to see it now is mind blowing. This city was gone and now its one of the coolest cities. I cant imagine what would have happened to these people if they would have given up. I can only hope that they havent give up completely on God.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An adventure nonetheless

I got to hangout with me newest friend Max last night, whom I met at charitè (medical college)On Monday and I had a lot of fun. we talked about a lot of good stuff which would seem impossible because we talked for so long on Monday and then some on Tuesday night. We were taught at CTS in Brussels that some Germans think that Americans are fake and dont build really close relationships but relationships that only benefit that person for the time being. Which in some instances is true. Let's be honest. We all have had that friend that we were only friends with so we could get a good grade in literature. Or that coworker that you would not think about talking to outside of work. In some ways we do build these shallow relationships in order to minmize the awkward. The cool thing about hanging out with Max is that I was able to build a real, hopefully, long lasting friendship with him. Thing will be different in my life in the way I treat people, let me be more honest about those shallow relationships. And vise versa, Max and anyone else I meet, I hope their lives change as well. I hope that through this trip I was able to bring something to the people I met that didn't have it before. God is working in Berlin.!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why I Am in Deutschland

Germany is a hard place to do ministry.  The culture is more "reserved".  It's hard to get deeply personal with someone without spending a lot of time with them.  Our trip is only a week long, so the question has to be asked, "Why do I come here each summer for two weeks?!"  I asked this to Dr. Joseph Dimitriov, the president of the seminary that we are trained at in Brussels.  I asked him why he thinks we are here.  His answer was two-fold:

  1. To increase our vision.  To show Chi Alpha students that the world is a bigger place than we realize.  That there are places like the Romanian orphanages, and to learn God's love for (and in) these places.  Some on our trip have felt called to be missionaries in Europe on this trip!
  2. To encourage the local missionaries.  These are the people that are fighting for God everyday in these hard places.  A smile, a helping hand, an encouraging word, a prophetic word, a hug...sometimes is what is going to help that missionary through a tough time in a tough place.
There are many "reasons" why I am here, however, THE MAIN reason I am here occurred last night. (I won't disclose much of the conversation because it was private, but...)  I made a great friend last year on this trip; a student that is really involved in SFC.  This student helped us so much last year and our friendship has grown since then.
For the past few months of preparation for this trip through our prayer meetings, I have felt God laying some specific scriptures and quotes from missionaries on my heart.  There was just one theme of all of the quotes and scriptures...I wrote all of them down on one piece of paper...
Last night, I sat down with my friend from last year and this person confided in me some personal struggles.  The struggles were the EXACT THEME of my verses and quotations!!  Many tears, hugs, danka's (thank you's), and smiles happened over the next hour and a half as I spoke what God had laid on my heart for months.  This student left after our conversation to write down all that we talked about before it left their mind.

This student is in Berlin everyday sharing the love of God.
I got to encourage this student last night.
This is why I am here.

Jesus, You are in Berlin and where you go, I'll go.  Where you live, I'll live.  You are the God of this city and many here belong to You!!  (parts of this are from scripture, some is my own prayer.  Ruth 1:16 and Acts 18:10)