Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm back!

Just got back yesterday straight from Paris. I need to write out my thoughts before all the Europe leaves my system.

Germany had an exciting culture to get immersed in. The language was fun (and btw, very pleasant to listen to contrary to its depiction in the movies). Berlin, in particular, had a diverse population and many of the people spoke a million different languages it seemed. Germany and France and Belgium, they all showed me a new world. These European countries made a unique impact on me. Germany, I was touched to hear the hardships your country has endured... and your sarcastic humor. France, I loved your language... and hearing "oh la la" being used within its context. Belgium, I loved the diversity which originates at its formation... and your waffles.

But I pray that the spread of this attitude of indifference ceases, especially when it comes to such life-changing topics. I pray that the indifference would be replaced with our natural curiosity about our origin, existence, and destiny. I pray that everyone that crossed paths with our team would see God in all of it. I hope that the Holy Spirit continues to work through the ministry, Studenten fur Christus, in Berlin. It was so encouraging to see the core of believers within that ministry.

My compassion has only been strengthened and not only for the people in Europe. We are heading towards this attitude of indifference here in America. I pray that the Lord continues to use me to do His will right where I am.

Thank you team for your sacrifice of time and energy and your support. You have been amazing. I pray that God continues to grow you and stretch you. Thank you leaders (Stacy, Rich, Brad, and Dale) for your guidance and peace even in times of danger and the resorting to Plans B, C, G, and M. Peace out, folks!
